уторак, 22. јануар 2008.

Serbian nationalists triumph

Great news from the Serbian elections. Thew leader of the nationalists, the Serbian Radical Party (part of the Euronat nationalist alliance of the Front National), led by Mr Tomislav Nikolic, has entered into the second round of the presidental elections on 20 January, and the second round is on 3 Febuary. It is a very similar situation to Mr Le Pen's showing in the 2002 French presidental elections, except that Mr Nikolic actually has 39%, 4% more than the 'mainstream' candidate Mr Boris Tadic.

As Mr Bruno Gollnisch said in a press release, the Serbian people have thrown out the EU and the NATO, supporting the maintenance of their historic homeland Kosovo in Serbia, and stood up for their national identity and sovereignty against the capitalist interests of the EU mondialists.

No doubt in the second round, all sorts of deceit and hate propaganda will be used to prevent Mr Nikolic's victory, but I am sure he will triumph, and thanks to him for showing the way to resistance to the new world order! It was Jean-Marie Le Pen's turn in 2002, now it is your turn, Tomislav Nikolic, in 2008!

His victory will pave the way for a nationalist uprising for the nationalist parties of Europe in the coming elections this year, in the coming German state election in Hessen on 27 January, the German municipal election in Hamburg in Febuary, the municipal elections in France in March, and the London Assembly elections in May.


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